The FSC certification system offers huge opportunities to businesses and consumers to contribute towards a sustainable future:
- source from responsibly managed forests
- reduce carbon footprint by replacing carbon-intensive and fossil-fuel based materials
- providing an extensive variety of renewable, responsibly produced materials for construction, wood panels, floorings, furniture, paper, natural rubber, other non-timber forest products, etc.
- sustainable management and efficient natural resource use
- meet green and sustainable public procurement policies
- facilitates awareness building on sustainability matters, and reporting on sustainable practices
- circularity and waste reduction through reclamation and recycling of wood/paper materials
- facilitates organisations in meeting SDG targets
- capacity-building in developing countries for more sustainable patterns of consumption and production,
thereby contributing towards climate change and biodiversity loss solutions.
What this means is, we need to use forest-based products in order to keep forests alive – but only if we practice sustainable sourcing and use responsibly. How? By choosing products with the FSC label.
Remember, trees are a renewable resource while plastic (fossil-fuel based), steel and concrete are carbon-intensive and made of finite, un-renewable resource.