Introducing the FSC Risk Assessment Framework
What is the FSC Risk Assessment Framework?
This new FSC-PRO-60-006b Risk Assessment Framework defines the process and content requirements to develop, review and revise FSC Risk Assessments.
With 64 indicators for assessing risks connected to relevant social and environmental aspects, FSC’s Risk Assessment Framework is aligned with EUDR regulatory requirements to ensure responsible sourcing.
This framework outlines two types of processes that can be used to develop or revise an FSC risk assessment:
Major (national) process
- FSC leading the process with the support of experts
- Approval body: FSC Performance & Standards Unit + Experts from other organizations may be involved
- Equal representation of environmental, economic, and social chamber members during the development or revision process.
- Approval body: Policy Steering Committee* + Experts from other organizations may be involved
* appointed by FSC International Board of Directors
How is this FSC Risk Assessment framework applicable to certificate holders?
FSC’s existing Risk Assessments in 60 countries and Controlled Wood risk assessment framework (which already incorporates a due diligence system) set a strong base and experience for risk assessment development.
However, with the release of the new FSC-PRO-60-006b Risk Assessment Framework, the next generation of FSC’s existing risk assessments for controlled wood sourcing will be based on this updated framework and valid for both FSC Regulatory Module users and Controlled Wood users.
What is the objective of this new FSC Risk Assessment Framework?
The objective of this procedure is to provide requirements to ensure consistent and robust assessment of risks for sourcing material from certain supply areas.
In the context of FSC certification, it relates to sourcing timber and/or Non-Timber-Forest Products (NTFPs) under <FSC-STD-40-005 Requirements for Sourcing FSC Controlled Wood>. NTFPs that may be included in the scope of a risk assessment are restricted to bamboo and NTFPs derived from trees (e.g., cork, resin, bark, rubber/latex).
Under EUDR, operators and large traders must perform due diligence which includes assessing the risks such as the risk of deforestation and forest degradation (when simplified due diligence is not allowed).
What is the scope of this new FSC Risk Assessment Framework procedure?
This procedure is applicable to developers of FSC Risk Assessments. It specifies the following:
- Process steps and requirements for developing and revising risk assessments through centralized type of processes;
- Maintenance requirements for all risk assessments, independently of the process type;
- Requirements to determine the risk (i.e., ‘negligible risk’ or ‘non-negligible risk’); and
- Requirements for establishing mitigation measures for sourcing material.
What are the relevant dates for implementing this new FSC Risk Assessment Framework?
Approval date: 31 May 2024
Effective date: 1 July 2024
Transition end date: not applicable
Overview: Main steps required in the risk assessment process
Risk assessments shall be developed and revised following the methodology for risk assessment and the process requirements defined in the FSC Risk Assessment Framework.

A Quick Guide: Developing or Revising a Risk Assessment following FSC Risk Assessment Framework
Here’s a quick guide in developing or revising a risk assessment following the FSC Risk Assessment Framework:

For a detailed guidance, please refer to the document below.
FSC Risk Assessment: Detailed guidance and Template
FSC Risk Assessment detailed guidance
This supporting document provides detailed guidance on how to use the FSC Risk Assessment Framework to develop or revise an FSC Risk Assessment. Download the guidance (PDF file) below.
FSC Risk Assessment Template
FSC has provided a standardised template (referred to throughout the FSC-PRO-60-006b Risk Assessment Framework) for a clear structure for assessing each type of risk per indicator and producing a risk assessment.
This template sets the foundation and steps to assess and mitigate risk of sourcing from uncertified area, and is where the assessment and mitigation measures with verifiers are to be provided. Download the template (excel file) below.
Please also refer to 'other resources' below for tutorials on how the template works.
FSC Risk Assessment Template
To ensure all features of the template are enabled:
- For Windows - right click on the file before opening, selecting Properties, and then check the “unblock” button at the bottom of the popup.
- For Mac users – open the file, and select “enable macros” on the popup.
Learn more here about unblocking the macros here.
If you have issues downloading the document or enabling the features contact country_requirements@fsc.org.
User Guide: FSC Risk Assessment Template
This document guides you on how to fill out Risk Assessment templates, rather than the contents of the procedure itself. However, the two are closely connected. Be sure to check out the FSC-PRO-60-006b Risk Assessment Framework.
Videos: Webinar and Tutotials relating to the FSC Risk Assessment Framework
Through this webinar held on 17 July 2024, learn about FSC’s robust Risk Assessment Framework and how to get started on developing an FSC Risk Assessment to support compliance with the EUDR with your FSC Certification with FSC Aligned Certification for EUDR.
In this “Risk Assessment Template” tutorial series, there are a total of 6 videos featuring:
- Overview of the template
- Reference tabs
- Country Overview and Supply Chain Tabs
- Geopolitical Scale and Source Types
- Risk Assessment sources
- Assessing and Mitigating Risk

FSC Risk Hub [Coming soon]
The soon to be available FSC Risk Hub is supporting our next generation of risk assessments. These risk assessments will be digital, mappable, more specific and objective.
The FSC Risk Assessment Template is currently hosted in Microsoft Excel format, the thorough and complete data set of which can be uploaded to the upcoming FSC Risk Hub.
FSC Risk Assessment
FSC Risk Assessments assess the risk of sourcing material from supply areas and establish mitigation measures to address those identified risks.
Before |
Now with FSC-PRO-60-006b FSC Risk Assessment Framework |
One framework that is aligned with: