FSC Forest Stewardship Standard (FSS) of Malaysia
The FSC Forest Stewardship Standard of Malaysia (FSC-STD-MYS-01.1-2021 EN) is applicable to all forest operations seeking FSC forest management certification in Malaysia.
The standard applies to all forest types, and is applicable at the Management Unit level, covering all scales and intensities of forest management operations. It includes timber and Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs). The NTFPs that are within the scope of this FSS include the following products:
- Fruits (edible or non-edible),
- Sap or gland secretion: gum, resin, latex,
- Medicinal herbs: leaves, rods, barks, roots, mushrooms, and
- Stem plants: rattan, bamboo, sap wood, heart wood.
The FSS of Malaysia is available in English (official version approved by FSC International, Policy and Standards Committee) and Bahasa Malaysia (translated from the official English version). Please note that If there is any discrepancy or inconsistency between the official English version and this translated version, then the English version shall be the official reference.