Key highlights

  1. FSC and FSC certification inquiries

One of the key topics that garnered significant attention was FSC certification. Visitors had numerous questions regarding FSC, particularly inquiring about how to obtain certification. We were pleased to engage with attendees and provide them with insights and guidance. (find out more about FSC certification here and here). Demand for FSC-certified timber materials continue to be on the rise, and at the moment, the market is unable to meet the demand with the current (lack of) supplies. In this regard, our plans to address this challenge is underway with our sustainable rubber pilot project (kickstarting FSC-certification of rubber plantations in Malaysia) and plans under the FSC Remedy Framework pilot in the near future.

Furthermore, we addressed inquiries about the distinctions between the FSC certification scheme and other forest certification schemes. Attendees were eager to understand the differences and gain a comprehensive understanding of the unique attributes that set FSC apart. (one of many independent studies here).

Pn. Noraihan (MTC CEO) dropped by our booth



  1. Sustainable Rubber Pilot Project

Our sustainable rubber pilot project (kickstarting FSC-certification among smallholder rubber planters in Malaysia) received overwhelming positive feedback and support from visitors. (project overview here).

Many attendees expressed their reliance on imported supplies of FSC-certified rubber wood and were thrilled to learn that Malaysia will soon be offering locally sourced FSC-certified rubber wood (and latex). This development holds great promise for the future of sustainable rubber production in the region.


  1. Sustainable tropical timber and showcasing Lesser-Known Timber Species

During the event, we had the opportunity to share  various significant topics with attendees. Firstly, we discussed the FSC x FAO UN-REDD project, highlighting its advantages and encouraging participation in the network (register here). Additionally, we emphasized how FSC serves as a valuable tool in meeting the European Union Deforestation-free Regulation requirements and we must see this landmark regulation as an opportunity for us to step up on our sustainable practices.

We also took the opportunity to raise awareness about the significance of the FSC Remedy Framework in promoting restoration through social and environmental remedy with standardized requirements. (learn about the FSC Remedy Framework here)

A highlight of our booth was the showcase of a timber structure. This demonstration attracted a significant number of visitors who showed genuine interest in exploring lesser-known timber species such as kapur, rubiaceae/laran, seraya (meranti/shorea), and selangan batu. We are hopeful that this exposure will encourage the users to consider these lesser-known timber options and broaden their perspectives on sustainable woodworking and construction materials.


  1. Pocket Talks Presentation

We took the stage to deliver a presentation titled "Building and Woodworking Sustainably with FSC." Our aim was to inspire attendees to adopt sustainable practices in their construction and woodworking endeavours. The session provided insights into sustainable timber's contribution towards a low carbon economy and practical suggestions for incorporating sustainability into these industries.  


  1. Continuous Learning

Our commitment to knowledge exchange and learning led us to engage with various exhibitors during the event. One notable discovery we made was that tropical timber is generally not used for Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) due to its lack of permeability, which makes it challenging for glue absorption. This finding sparked an important question: Which types of wood in Malaysia are suitable for CLT? We look forward to further exploring this subject and discovering suitable alternatives for CLT production in the region – sourcing from FSC-certified forests of course 🌳 #FSC #forestsforallforever


We extend our sincere appreciation to all the individuals who made MWE2023 a memorable occasion for us. Your participation, enthusiasm, and support have invigorated our commitment to promoting responsible forest management, sustainable practices and responsible timber sourcing. Highlights about the overall event here:

FSC Malaysia booth at the MWE2023