Current Processes, Consultations and Projects

FSC standards, policies and procedures go through developments, reviews, and revisions. FSC seeks the input and comments from its stakeholders for these processes through comprehensive, inclusive, and robust stakeholder engagements.

Such engagements are announced through our periodic newsletter, our corporate website, and social media platforms.

This page also contains information on FSC Malaysia's current projects. 


FSC Malaysia

  1. 2024 Project | Review of the Forest Stewardship Standard of Malaysia (FSC-STD-MYS-01.1-2021 EN)

    5 June 2024

    FSC Malaysia commences the review process of the FSC Forest Stewardship Standard of Malaysia  (FSC-STD-MYS-01.1-2021 EN) in accordance with FSC-STD-60-006 (V1-2) "Process requirements for the development and maintenance of National Forest Stewardship Standards".

    As part of the review process, FSC Malaysia has today circulated a survey to stakeholders for their feedback.

    For further details, please see this newsfeed

    The documents referred to in the survey are accessible here:

  2. 2024 Project | FSC Remedy Framework Pilot Project in Malaysia

  3. 2023 Project | Sustainable Natural Rubber

    Please refer to this newsfeed for updates.

    As at 30 April 2024, there are a total of 239 SLIMF group members in this FSC group certificate, with a total of 1,244.32 hectares of rubber plantations held by the smallholders. More group members will be added to the group by the first half of 2024.

  4. COMPLETED: Revised National Forest Stewardship Standard (NFSS) of Malaysia published

  5. COMPLETED: National Consultative Group to develop a National Response to the FSC Policy to Address Conversion

FSC International

  1. See FSC International's current processes